Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Bohus store at 5200 Os, Kolskogheiane 1a.
Newest Catalogs
RHINE vase 799 krpynteputetrekk 349 krCAPE TOWN gulvlampe 3 599 krQUEENSTOWN pynteputetrekk 749 krSOWETO pynteputetrekk 899 krLATINA lykt 949 krLESOTHO brett 1 499 krSIGNATURE 1870 sofabord 8 999 krVINI FERA stormlykt 1 699 krPOLENCA krukke med lokk 499 krBAY dekorvase 1 799 krROCKS telykt 629 krSIGNATURE 1800 spisebord 16 999 krSIGNATURE 1520 spisestol 3 999 krBLISS taklampe 3 999 krSIGNATURE COLLECTION SLEEPING LOVUND 24 999 kr