Find the latest opening hours, and the current and upcoming deals and catalogs from the local Bohus store at 5235 RÅDAL, Nordåsvegen 15.
Newest Catalogs
TOKYO KONTINENTALSENG 7 999 krLAGOON lysholder 299 krBARI pute 599 krBARI pute 349 krGITTE stol 3 799 krRIFF. vegghengt peis by Halvor Bakke 9 900 krCHARGE 349 krPORTOBELLO 299 krGLORIA teppe 2 899 krSOFIA 299 krRAMMI 899 krDONNA 1 189 krSTORM vase 279 krKENTWOOD vase 499 krKOLO 999 krØLAND RUNDT SPISEBORD 9 499 kr